Eugene Cheong
Eugene is perhaps the most brilliant communicator within Ogilvy since David Ogilvy himself.
Steve Hayden
Retired Vice-Chair & Chief Creative Officer, Ogilvy Worldwide


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Eugene won more awards, more consistently for far longer than anybody else in Asia.
He should be declared a national treasure. Perhaps, even a regional one.
Neil French
Former Worldwide Chief Creative Officer, WPP
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Someone ask me the other day who has risen up to become a giant in Asia Pacific?
Why, it has got to be none other than the talented Mister Cheong, I said.
Tham Khai Meng
Former Worldwide Chief Creative Officer, Ogilvy


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Eugene has the spooky ability to pull humongous business-building and ass-saving ideas like rabbits out of a top hat.
His magical power, I have little doubt, comes from being endowed with a very large brain.
Anthony Wong
Executive Vice President, Brands, Shangri-La Group


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Eugene Cheong is the best advertising writer alive. Period.

When I was a junior writer back in Brazil, one of my dreams was to buy a one-way ticket to Singapore. I had never been there before, but it didn't matter. That’s where Eugene Cheong was writing all those incredible ads. I'd take Eugene's brilliant long copy ads to my English teacher and go over every single word. Without knowing it, Eugene was teaching me not only advertising but English as well. I'm still learning both from him.

Anselmo Ramos
Founder, Gut
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